ชั้น 2 อาคาร จุลจักรพงษ์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย
ถนนพญาไท แขวงวังใหม่ เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพฯ 10330
โทรศัพท์: 02-218-7052 โทรสาร: 02-218-7053

Division of Student Development

The Office of Student Affair is directly responsible for providing consultancy and advice to the students regarding the organization of various activities in the university, as well as supervising and promoting the activities of the Student Government to be conducted in accordance with the intended objectives. The activities of students in the university are divided into 2 levels:

1.Student activities at the university level

2.Student activities at the faculty level

In each academic year, there are several unique and interesting activities such as Freshmen Welcoming Ceremonies/Orientation, Freshmen Sports Events, Volunteer Camps for Rural Development, and Traditional Football Tournaments. This is to promote and provide opportunities for students who have interest in various fields to participate in activities, while developing their own potential and readiness in every aspect. 


  • Provide advice and guidance on the practices to the Student Government, as well as facilitate the needs of the students in organizing activities to assure its achievement in the intended objective.
  • Supervise activities of the Student Government to proceed in the appropriate manner without infringing national laws and university regulations.
  • Conduct disbursement of the Student Government, including the annual budget, emergency budget, club budget as well as university’s support budget and other financial support from external agencies to meet the objectives of the Student Government and the university.
  • Act as center of coordination between various university departments, external agencies, the Student Government and student activities of every faculty, including the coordination between internal and external departments of the university and the Graduate Committee.
  • Conduct on the organization of activities by different student groups to propose for the university’s approval.
  • Coordinate information to request supporting funding for student activities from the university’s benefit budget, the university bureau as well as other agencies.
  • Conduct disbursement of various projects that receive funding from the university, the university bureau as well as other agencies.
  • Create a database of activities for planning and supporting student activities.

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